Advocacy and submissions about

health professional regulation 

Speech Pathology Australia consistently advocates on your behalf and for those with communication and swallowing needs. We regularly engage with policy developers, government, external stakeholder organisations and politicians, and participate in consultations to represent your views. Recent national consultations, including on Scope of Practice, National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Provider Registration, and the National Allied Health Workforce Strategy, have discussed health professional regulation. These consultations have sparked broader conversations about regulation among self-regulated allied health professions.  

We are committed keeping you informed and preparing our profession to engage in any future regulatory discussions. To support this, we have launched a regulation education series. in our eNews. Each edition of the National News we will explore a different aspect of the regulatory landscape. 

Our goals is to : educate the speech pathologist profession about regulation, ensure we have a seat at the table for any potential discussions, understand the profession's needs, and advocate on their behalf.  

Visit our new regulation information webpage 

A new page on our website summarises the regulatory landscape for health professionals in Australia. This includes explaining key definitions and comparing the features of the Certified Practising Speech Pathologist (CPSP) self-regulatory model and the statutory National Registration and Accreditation Scheme (NRAS) (often referred to by health professionals as the Ahpra) model). Responses to some frequently asked questions from the profession regarding SPA’s advocacy on regulation are also provided.

Submit your questions about regulation 

A form is available for you to submit any questions about regulation, which will be open for the next two weeks. Your input will help us identify areas for further clarification and guide future resource updates.

Access the form  

Next steps 

Look forward to future updates in this series. Speech Pathology Australia encourages you to share the regulation webpage and question form with colleagues, including those who may not be members of Speech Pathology Australia. 

We are reviewing Expressions of Interest (EOI) for our Regulation Advisory Committee and will contact those who submitted EOIs shortly. 


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